Kill the Complacency that’s Killing Your Business by Jae-ann Rock

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Complacency kills business. DON'T GET COMFORTABLE! To keep up with today's lightning-speed changes in business, you must embrace change, innovation, and forward-thinking.  Complacency is a silent killer in business, often supported by a fear of change and a strong culture of Entrenchment Thinking Syndrome. What is Entrenchment Thinking Syndrome? It is a corporate mindset of holding onto ...

5 Key Tipping Points in B2B Sales by Jae-ann Rock

5 Key Tipping Points in B2B Sales by Jae-ann Rock
The concept of "tipping points" became a hot topic nearly 20 years ago when Malcolm Gladwell originally wrote his best-selling work of the same name, The Tipping Point. Truth be told, this idea of key leverage points in any process fascinates me more than a little. (Yeah, I'm a bit of a process geek, partly the result of growing up on a small farm with lots of daily chores to be done. Why NOT find...

Decision Making Tips to Promote your Success by Jae-ann Rock

Decision Making Tips to Promote your Success by Jae-ann Rock
Did you know that your ability to make decisions may determine your success in life?  The number one reason for not accomplishing success in life is indecision and procrastination.  This is exactly why the ability to make decisions is a critical attribute of most successful business people.  But, how do successful leaders avoid common decision traps of “analysis paralysis”, or fear of making t...

3 Ways to Refresh Your B2B Marketing Efforts by Jae-ann Rock

3 Ways to Refresh Your B2B Marketing Efforts by Jae-ann Rock
Struggling to engage more prospects? If so, you may need to rethink your B2B marketing approach. Let's look at 3 ways to refresh your B2B marketing efforts to increase success! 1.) Provide Value-Added Content Don’t skip this one! We regularly see companies make mistakes in this critical area.  First - Value-added content is FREE content that is helpful, insightful, educational, or informa...

No Sales Leads Left Behind by Jae-ann Rock

No Sales Leads Left Behind by Jae-ann Rock
Having a marketing plan that includes ways to nurture your “not now” sales leads is critical to leaving no lead behind, and ultimately growing SALES.  Did you know? According to Heinz Marketing, "At any given time, only 3% of your market is actively buying. Another 56% are not ready, while 40% are poised to begin."  What should this mean to you? Don't give up! Until you hear “no”, a lead...

Five Steps to Build a Healthy Sales Pipeline

Five Steps to Build a Healthy Sales Pipeline
Building a healthy sales pipeline is critical if you want to attain your revenue goals 3, 6, or 9 months from now… So what steps should you take to build and sustain a HEALTHY sales pipeline all year long? Start with ENOUGH Leads We all know that sales is a “numbers game.” To develop a healthy sales pipeline, you MUST start with enough leads to process through your marketing and sales e...

Five Quick Tips to Improve Sales Results

Five Quick Tips to Improve Sales Results
Looking for ways to be more efficient and effective in your sales and marketing efforts? From eliminating time-wasters to accelerating the sales cycle, these tips will put you on the path to improved sales success for the rest of the year. When reading these tips, write down two or three on a sticky note, and make them visible during your workday. Begin incorporating them into your daily work h...

Being a “Good Employer” will be Critical to Your Post-Covid Success

Being a “Good Employer” will be Critical to Your Post-Covid Success
According to Forbes, being a “good employer” is one of the most ESSENTIAL post-Covid business strategies. WHY? Living through these difficult times of a worldwide pandemic has made many people reconsider what’s truly important in life.  “Employees are increasingly looking for jobs that fit their idea of a proper and meaningful life. This means they focus more on what th...

Sales & Marketing Tips to Prepare for the Recovery

Sales & Marketing Tips to Prepare for the Recovery
One full year into this pandemic there are finally reasons to feel optimistic about the coming months. That is welcome news for all - I am certain! [Side note: I watched a short documentary about why the passage of time has felt so warped during the pandemic... It felt like the year that never happened, but also the year that was never-ending. Weird, right?  Apparently, it has to do with...

The Career that Chose Me – Celebrating SunStream’s 20th Year

The Career that Chose Me – Celebrating SunStream’s 20th Year
This month marks the 20th anniversary of my launch of SunStream Consulting. I suppose I was always destined to work for myself, but I didn't know that starting out... You see, I come from a long line of professional educators - teachers, principals, school superintendents, and college professors. Clearly, the natural career choice for me was in the realm of education. But, with my MEd in hand,...