Why B2B Companies Should Consider Account Based Marketing by Jae-ann Rock

You may have heard of Account Based Marketing (ABM), but you’re not exactly sure what it is or if it’s right for your business. If you’re not yet using ABM, it is certainly worth investigating… Consider this: 92% of companies recognize the value of ABM and see the strategy as a “must have” for B2B marketing (From the 2015 State of Account Based Marketing, SiriusDecisions.) According to the 2014 ITSMA Account Based Marketing Survey, Account Based Marketing delivers higher ROI than any ...

5 Steps to Increase Selling Time

To increase sales results, you must increase selling time. But, how? There are many aspects of sales that get in the way of "selling time." Ask any professional sales person the type of work activity they like the least and the majority will likely mention “the admin work." Why? Because it eats into their selling time, and hence, their earnings. In this article, we will reveal five steps to reduce the time your professional sales reps spend on admin work, and increase their selling time. “A...

Top Lead Nurturing Techniques to Grow Sales by Jae-ann Rock

Let’s face it…your lead generation efforts may be going well, but not every qualified lead is  ready to buy when you contact them. Did you know that 80% of sales are made on or after the 5th– 12th contact? It’s true. According to the National Sales Executive Association: 2% of sales are made on the 1st contact 3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact 5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact 10% of sales are made on the 4th contact 80% of sales are made on or after the 5th-12th co...