5 Key Tipping Points in B2B Sales by Jae-ann Rock

The concept of "tipping points" became a hot topic nearly 20 years ago when Malcolm Gladwell originally wrote his best-selling work of the same name, The Tipping Point. Truth be told, this idea of key leverage points in any process fascinates me more than a little. (Yeah, I'm a bit of a process geek, partly the result of growing up on a small farm with lots of daily chores to be done. Why NOT find the most efficient way to do those tasks?) My intrigue is based on the concept that if one i...

The Career that Chose Me – Celebrating SunStream’s 20th Year

This month marks the 20th anniversary of my launch of SunStream Consulting. I suppose I was always destined to work for myself, but I didn't know that starting out... You see, I come from a long line of professional educators - teachers, principals, school superintendents, and college professors. Clearly, the natural career choice for me was in the realm of education. But, with my MEd in hand, my career took a sharp right turn straight out of college when I landed my first professional busin...

5 Tips to Nurture Your “Not Now” Leads by Jae-ann Rock

You’ve worked hard to generate a number of qualified leads… The trouble is, not every prospect is ready to buy TODAY. Nurturing Leads is Essential to Sales Success So – how do you stay in front of prospects when they said, “not now”? There are many reasons a qualified prospect may not be ready to buy today. One important reason is the trust factor. Prospects need time to develop trust in you, your company, and your services before they will consider buying from...

Why B2B Companies Should Consider Account Based Marketing by Jae-ann Rock

You may have heard of Account Based Marketing (ABM), but you’re not exactly sure what it is or if it’s right for your business. If you’re not yet using ABM, it is certainly worth investigating… Consider this: 92% of companies recognize the value of ABM and see the strategy as a “must have” for B2B marketing (From the 2015 State of Account Based Marketing, SiriusDecisions.) According to the 2014 ITSMA Account Based Marketing Survey, Account Based Marketing delivers higher ROI than any ...

Top Lead Nurturing Techniques to Grow Sales by Jae-ann Rock

Let’s face it…your lead generation efforts may be going well, but not every qualified lead is  ready to buy when you contact them. Did you know that 80% of sales are made on or after the 5th– 12th contact? It’s true. According to the National Sales Executive Association: 2% of sales are made on the 1st contact 3% of sales are made on the 2nd contact 5% of sales are made on the 3rd contact 10% of sales are made on the 4th contact 80% of sales are made on or after the 5th-12th co...